Scott Anderson

Walk Around the Monument One More Time
October 25th – November 11th, 2023


Walk Around the Monument One More Time is a deeper dive into a reductive process through a “what’s on offer” mentality. Repurposing old works, utilising found objects, non-art materials and subsequently drawing on memory, architectural and sign motifs from Southeast Asia to create this exhibition.

Restrictions, hierarchies, adapting techniques and repurposing are key to my decision making and practice. Finding artistic potential in rejected disparate materials invites play in the making. Minimal modifications that preserve some recognition of an object can entice the viewer to reconsider value judgments and predefined relationships between art and non-art through categorical and hierarchical ambiguity. Remnants of past imagery beneath the new abstracted layers for example provides a visual metaphor for reusing and transforming pre-existing materials which challenge ideas of originality, the definition of a found object and upscaling. The outcome is arrived at through the creation process as opposed to working towards a preconceived object.


Scott Anderson