| July 2- 26, 2014 |
Geometric findings explores the symbolic quality of geometry by surveying its potential to communicate cosmological knowledge/worldviews in both scientific and metaphysical terms. The use of geometry in interpreting nature and human existence has been common throughout a variety of cosmologies from scientific, philosophical to mystical. Geometry enables us to imagine beyond what is perceivable, and thus, has been used in scientific illustration to analyze unseen mechanisms of the physical world, and in abstract art and religious decoration to symbolize immaterial realms.
Drawing from a range of diverse geometric symbols, this exhibition challenges conventional readings of illustration; and its pictorial knowledge, beliefs and histories, offering instead new and alternative interpretations. Employing methods of drawing acrylic and ink are skillfully deployed to sheets of prepared paper, which in turn are presented on small shelves or hung directly on the gallery walls. The drawings, geometric in style, are often accompanied with animated objects, precious stones – pyrite, quartz and salt crystals. Decontextualized the symbols offer us points of departure, new imaginings, unheeded by the predominately binary representations of belief/knowledge but a clearer all-encompassing cosmology.