Emidio Puglielli
04.09.19 – 21.09.19
My work investigates our interaction with photographs, in particular those with a physical footprint.
In recent years I have been interested in looking at the relationship between forgetting and vernacular photographs. I attempt to articulate this space, by emptying photographs of their main contextual anchors (people, places, objects etc), often making collages of overlapping images with multiple layers, creating gaps, misalignment and slippages.
I plunder my personal photographic archive as well as use discarded vernacular photographs as a base for my work. I highlight a photograph’s physicality by cutting, folding and sometimes sand papering them. I couple my photographic collages with speculative objects that recast the missing (forgotten) components of the photographs.
By extending their temporal and spacial parameters, I enable engagement beyond the usual monocular viewpoint of a photograph. This extended relationship allows for a more physical interaction with the residue of vernacular photographs. I hope to show that the physicality of photographs is an integral component of their mnemonic abilities and that the forgotten can be reignited and recruited to trigger remembering.