Paint vs Colour
Curated by Christoph Dahlhausen & Michael Graeve
12.02.20 – 29.02.20
Paint vs colour. Paint or colour. Paint and colour. When painting, there is no paint without colour, and no colour without paint. Artists might use paint while dealing with colour, or use colour while dealing with paint. And sometimes doubly so when working either non-objectively, or when figuratively narrating colour experience. While in the English language ‘paint’ and ‘colour’ are distinguished, the German language knows only the word ‘Farbe’ for both. The integration and difference between paint substance and colour appearance are the topic of this curated exhibition: Gestures of painting, dialogues of colour, hints of hue, opacities and transparencies, reflections and absorptions. Process and materiality, body and appearance, surface and mystery, experience and phenomenon.
This curation presents a vibrant selection of current positions of contemporary colour-focused painting, with over 40 artists from 12 countries. Curated by Christoph Dahlhausen (Bonn Germany) and Michael Graeve (Castlemaine).
Mark Booth (US), Rushdi Anwar (KU/AU), Arvid Boecker (D), Helen Calder (NZ), Keith W Clancy (AU), Christiane Conrad (D), Renee Cosgrave (NZ), David Cross (AU), Eric Cruikshank (GB), Christoph Dahlhausen (D), Dan Devening (US), Ellen Hackl Fagan (US), Anna Finlayson (AU), Árpád Forgó (HU), Michelle Grabner (US), Michael Graeve (AU), Carrie Gundersdorf (US), Katharina Grosse (D), Melinda Harper (AU), Atsuo Hukuda (JP), Noel Ivanoff (NZ), Rosa Johanna (NL), Andreas Keil (D), Wjm Kok (NL), Ruark Lewis (AU), Aaron Martin (AU), Michael Morley (NZ), Frank Piasta (D), Michael Post (D), Fernando Rascon (MX), Stephen Rendall (AU), Christine Reifenberger (D), Rolf Rose (D), David Sequeira (AU), Heidi Spector (CA), Bryan Spier (AU), Heiner Thiel (D), David Thomas (AU), Matthew Tyson (F), Jonathan Walker (AU), Werner Windisch (D), Mark Wingrave (AU).