Claire Mooney
A Part and Between
28.10.20 – 14.11.20
The paintings in A part and between, explore pattern, colour and abstraction in relation to landscape and the natural environment, using iterative and layered processes that fragment and interweave abstract and organic imagery. These works draw inspiration from a wide range of references including: quilting blocks and textile patterns, late modernist abstract grids and the post-industrial concept of ruins and fragmentation.
Through the process of making the work, I consider how colour, geometry, image, order and disorder can be employed in ways that generate or engage a sense of slippage and rupture. The focus is on the liminal edges and spaces between form and field, pattern and chaos. These in-between spaces are explored through the making strategies and processes: collage, copying, transferring, printing, layering and alternately building and erasing strata of patterns in the work, and selectively painting back into the work to create a final image. In these artworks I want to deliberately play with an ambiguity of construction and destruction, where I unmake as much as I make.