Eva Stimson Clark
Surrender to Not Knowing
24.03.21 – 10.04.21
Surrender to Not Knowing by Eva Stimson Clark is a body of paintings about: experimentation, play, chance, courage, audacity, shifts, choices and acceptance.
Eva aims for her paintings to become an encounter where the viewer can go both within and beyond the material boundary: gently disrupting spaces and perception.
Surrender to Not Knowing proposes non-objective painting as a language of energy. A becoming that dances around intuition, consciousness and presence. The paintings form and grow from a core of recycled detritus, weaving in and out of realms that are digital, material, historical, theoretical and metaphysical. Making do with what is at hand in an ongoing investigation with other fields of operation.
These abstractions come from experiments with digital drawing, chance colour application and systems of rotation on a structure of geometric formalism. That dimension defying interior space of the computer program, with algorithmic filters and numerical language, is physically difficult for us to enter, but in transposing digital drawings into the materiality and action of painting entices these images to meet us in our domain.