Fiona Schoer
Involuntary Abstractions
14.04.21 – 01.05.21
Involuntary Abstractions is a collection of small scale paintings that investigate body object relations, explore the potentialities of discarded objects and examine the space between presence and absence. The works are prompted by an interest in the notion that events/experiences have the ability to alter the physicality of the body and in turn, the object with which we co-exist, can be altered by the body’s reaction to those events. Discarded objects are utilised to advance this notion, viewing them as involuntary custodians of the human experience as they bear witness to everyday life. As they are cast aside their value and purpose is questioned but does this act also negate their history or is it retained?
Cardboard prints and frames have been gently deconstructed, peeling away materials on the rear surface to expose fixings and elevate that which is not usually seen, or considered. Paint is applied intuitively, responding to each objects inherent materiality and allowing its structures and imperfections to guide the approach to its surface.
These works privilege process and materiality, seek to challenge material hierarchy and celebrate the unseen and unnoticed: the things that hold others things together. Much like memories held within our own bodies, that inform our view of the world, these works sit quietly, some of them restlessly, informing the space of their presence.