Scott Anderson
From Here to the Wet Six
02.03.22 – 19.03.22

From Here to The Wet Six is an exploration of hybridisations within painting practice, created in various rooms in and around Bangkok Thailand. Architecture continues to inform my practice, which I sourced from the numerous abandoned billboards scattered along the highways of Thailand whizzing past my bus window, along with other quotidian objects and structures. Deconstructing these forms and reassembling a limited selection of architectural motifs allowed the work to pivot in and around them, creating a call and response approach to the making. Bringing together disparate forms into a cohesive body of work and challenging hierarchies within art materials was expediated by the restrictions placed on me as an artist. In terms of space, materials and location. Consequently, I embraced the limitations, and at some point “Went Digital” to create an imitation or substitution for traditional painting that has been compelled to coexist within the more time-honoured forms.

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