
Liminal curated by Emma Langridge 30.01.19 - 16.02.19

James Langer Disrupted Narrative 30.01.19 - 16.02.19

Peter Summers Pink Cliffs 30.01.19 - 16.02.19

David Cross Stacks 20.02.19 - 09.03.19

Ollie Lucas Counter Site 20.02.19 - 09.03.19

Kiah Pullens W.O.W. 20.02.19 - 09.03.19

Perceiving the Matter of Time in Recent Painting & Photography 13.03.19 - 30.03.19

Ellie Chalmers-Robinson Part Time Mind Reader 13.03.19 - 30.03.19

Maxine Riedmaier In Blute In Bloom 13.03.19 - 30.03.19

Georgie North | Charlie Harding | Sean McDowell | Ben Pell Extended Gestures Extended 01.05.19 - 18.05.19 

Mark Wingrave The Time of Day 01.05.19 - 18.05.19

Simon O'Carrigan & Marcel Feillafe Play it Again 01.05.19 - 18.05.19

Patricia Todarello Topographical 22.05.19 - 08.06.19 

Linda Judge Our Daily Bread 22.05.19 - 08.06.19 

Kate Mackay Nothing to Say Here 22.05.19 - 08.06.19 

Leah Teschendorff New Work 22.05.19 - 08.06.19 

RNOP MELB | THE ROAD PAINTINGS 13.06.19 - 29.06.19 

Brett Colquhoun Telescope 12.06.19 - 29.06.19 

Noah Spivak A Particular Presence 12.06.19 - 29.06.19 

Acts of Reversal curated by Craig Easton 03.07.19 - 20.07.19 

 Tara Rowhani-Farid & Christian Lock Shit Lit Hits 03.07.19 - 20.07.19

PJ Hickman Zilch 03.07.19 - 20.07.19 

Louise Blyton Swan to Swan 24.07.19 - 10.08.19 

Andrew Gutteridge State of Play 24.07.19 - 10.08.19 

Ian Wells A Proposed Idea 24.07.19 - 10.08.19 

Rhonda Baum Vestiges: What remains 26.07.19 - 10.08.19 

Peter Leigh Parallax II 14.08.19 - 31.08.19 

Lukas Orsanic Haphazard Encounters 14.08.19 - 31.08.19 

Sally Tape The Flow Through Space 14.08.19 - 31.08.19 

Xaoxi Xia & Jenny Zhe Chang Forbidden 14.08.19 - 31.08.19 

David Palliser Crinkle Crankle 04.09.19 - 21.09.19 

Emidio Puglielli Residue 04.09.19 - 21.09.19

Wendy Kelly & Magda Cebokli Ciphering Place 04.09.19 - 21.09.19 

Anna Steele Recess 04.09.19 - 21.09.19 

David Sequeira & Tim Johnson The Eternal Return 25.09.19 - 12.10.19 

Adrien Allen Nearnesses 25.09.19 - 12.10.19 

Karen Wells Kink and Smooth in Blue 25.09.19 - 12.10.19 

Simone Nelson Task 5a 25.09.19 - 12.10.19 

Kubota Fumikazu Limitations 16.10.19 - 02.11.19

Donna Comfort Objects for the Wall (continued) 16.10.19 - 02.11.19 

Matthew Engert My Bloody Uncertainty 16.10.19 - 02.11.19 

Julia Kennedy-Bell Tessellate 16.10.19 - 02.11.19 

Aaron Martin One Thing After 06.11.19 - 23.11.19 

Veronica Caven Aldous Space is Never Empty 06.11.19 - 23.11.19 

Nicholas Mellefont Hinging Articulation 06.11.19 - 23.11.19 

Robert Mangion Vicarious/Object: Star Die Cast 27.11.19 - 14.12.19

Shelley Jardine Transitions 27.11.19 - 14.12.19  

Emma Langridge repeater 27.11.19 - 14.12.19  

Simon Beuve See Through 27.11.19 - 14.12.19