Suzie Idiens
Easy Does It
July 19th – August 5th, 2017
Idiens’s exhibition takes its title from the idiomatic expression advising a slow and steady approach to achieve a desired outcome. The show comprises of four wall-mounted ‘panels’, quietly contesting the boundaries between painting and sculpture, surface and depth, colour and the monochrome. Each object is seamless, as if industrially fabricated. Meticulously smooth surface planes and rounded edges entice the viewer’s gaze to glide across the forms uninterrupted. These simplified rectangular sculptures, sprayed in soft hues of glossy polyurethane paint, gently occupy space while mirroring their surroundings. The highly reflective finishes illuminate the challenge: their liquid-like purity returns the viewer’s own self-image, while at the same time encourages a view beyond the surface membrane, into seemingly limitless depths of solid colour. Idiens’s reductive investigations direct us towards the power of our perceptive capabilities. A single notch, slice or missing section removed from the rectilinear contours of each form, indicates restrained interference, causing tension within the shape. Upon closer inspection, complexities emerge: shadows gather weight, forms complete themselves and tones shift as you move around each piece. Suzie Idiens is a Sydney based artist, whose work investigates formal concerns of colour, form, finish and spatial composition while addressing the subjective nature of perception. Idiens recently showed in the touring exhibition Visions of Utopia, a historical survey of Australian non-objective art, and she is a member of SNO (Sydney Non Objective) Contemporary Art Projects.