Matthew Engert
My Bloody Uncertainty
16.10.19 – 02.11.19
Matthew Engert’s practice includes painting, photography, film, video, sculpture and installation. He is currently a graduate researcher at the Centre for Ideas within the Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne. His research is focused on the intersection/s between art and philosophy.
There exists, at least for the artist, a sensory entanglement between the distorted, fuzzy, tremulous, and reverberant nature of the objects rendered within these images, which each suggest the existence of a greater unseen reality beyond the physical boundaries of the picture-frame and, perhaps, those of classical physics, with the early 90’s indie/alt-rock sub-genre Shoegaze, wherein a basic guitar effects set-up of Distortion, Fuzz, Tremelo, and Reverse Reverb created an etherial wall of sound that bent time and space to entice the listener beyond the veil.
Furthermore, these works are illustrative of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, in that, neither the parameters of the objects nor their placement within the images are clearly defined and, thus, resemble Virtual Particles of indeterminate velocity, trajectory, and temporality appearing within a void.