Five Ten Twenty Twenty
24.01.20 – 08.02.20
Please join us for our first exhibition of 2020,
(Fundraiser for bushfire relief)
Aaron Martin
Anna Steele
Carlo Golin
David Frenney-Mills
Donna Comfort
Emma Coulter
Emma Langridge
Georgie North
Ian Wells
Jenny Zhe Chang
James Langer
Karen Wells
Kubota Fumikazu
Louise Blyton
Lukas Clark Orsanic
Matthew Engert
Maxine Riedmaier
Nicholas Mellefont
Nick Berry
Nikolaus Dolman
Peter Leigh
Peter Summers
PJ Hickman
Raymond Carter
Rebecca Monaghan
Rhonda Baum
Robin Kingston
Sally Tape
Shelley Jardine
Troy Raemakers
Yuria Okamura
on the night 100% of Bar sales and a percentage (25%, 50% or 100%(artists’ discretion)) of all artwork sales will be donated to Wildlife Victoria.