Fabian Freese
25.11.22 – 17.12.22
Fabian Freese spent a large part of his childhood in nature, playing with wood and water, which influenced his sense of beauty and aesthetics. When he was a teenager he developed some experience by doing Graffiti.
Today Fabian Freese’s work is a exploration of the urban environment. He is searching for materials which are used in the life of nearly everybody in our modern times and then he transforms them into his artworks where the original idea of the use of the item is no longer important, just the form and color of it matters – like in the Everyday Objects Series. Another series which is based on the life in contemporary cities around the world, is the lightpainting series. These are time exposure photographs in which Freese interacts and reflects with the space of the urban environment where the photo is taken, while the exposure goes on. This is normally about 1 – 3 minutes to finish these light compositions. Freese often combines different fields of contemporary art, like painting with photography or painting with objects etc. He tries to go over the borders of the traditional art idea to create his works which are often very forward thinking.
Freese studied visual Arts at the Freie Akademie der bildenden Künste (fadbk) in Essen, Germany, and graduated in 2011. Since 2011 his artworks have been exhibited in countries across Europe, America, Asia and Australia.