Nick Waddell
Erased Digressions
09.02.22 – 26.02.22

In August 2021, an exhibition titled ‘Dead ends + endless digressions’ was installed at Five Walls Gallery, yet never opened to the public due to Coronavirus restrictions beginning on the eve of the exhibition opening. While the timing of the lockdown was not ideal, I was amused by the idea of an exhibition that nobody would or could see due to State sanctions. A type of censorship had occurred as a side effect of health orders. Exhibitions were deemed bad for your health! Rather than re-exhibit the same works down the track I realised I could make permanent the ‘unseeable exhibition’ by erasing the surfaces of the original metal works with grinders. Not only has this lead to a whole new body of work but a new method of working. The works presented here represent the outcomes of this process.

(click to enlarge)

Nick Waddell Erased Digressions Catalogue

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